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The Word Today is Reunion

The word today is Reunion. Let’s define Reunion.  According to the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary: re·un·ion /rēˈyo͞onyən/ noun A reunion usually refers to a gathering of folks who haven’t seen each other for a long time. High school reunions are notorious for reuniting middle-aged people who are anxious to relive their high school years. Hmm…who are they calling middle-aged folks?!!!…

Word of the Day…Feedback

The word today is Feedback. I’m always looking for a Feedback, are you? In the constant balancing of life, Feedback can be a natural way to assess how we’re doing. The information that Feedback gives us, especially when solicited is very valuable. Unsolicited Feedback in many ways can have even more value. The key is…

The Word of the Day…Can

The word today is Can. It might look like the word is can’t. But I can assure you, that scissor says it all. Yes, you can cut out the ‘t and so can I. We Can change the direction of our forward process figuratively and literally. Imagine how great the day will be today, when…

The Word of the Day…Choose

The word today is Choose. Do you remember the books we read with our kids,” Choose your own adventure”? That may have been a long time ago, but the sentiment still holds true today. We can Choose our own adventure right now. It’s exciting to wake up each morning with the understanding that we can…

The Word of the Day…What

The word today is What? Like the song, “What’s it all about, Alfie.” What is your plan for the day? What’s the one thing you can do today, that you didn’t do yesterday? What if everyone that reads this smiles, nods and says hello to a stranger?  What if everyone that reads this calls a…