John Berger

Thank you John Berger, Ph.D. for joining me on The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Meet John Berger.

John J. Berger is an environmental science and policy specialist, prize-winning author, and journalist. John is a graduate of Stanford and the University of California.  He has written and edited 11 books, including three previous books on climate change. He has also written over 100 articles on climate change and transitioning to clean energy.

Solving the Climate Crisis.

Solving the Climate Crisis is a hopeful and critical resource that makes a convincing and detailed case that there is a path forward to save our environment. In his book he harnesses the power of committed individuals and the necessity for collaborative government and private-sector to take action. His book focuses on three essential areas:

  • The technological dimension: This includes moving to 100% clean renewable energy as fast as we possibly can. In doing so through innovations like clean-steel, “green” cement, and carbon-reuse companies.
  • The ecological dimension: To enhance and protect natural ecosystems, forests, and agricultural lands. And to safely store greenhouse gases and restore soils. Thus, transforming how we grow, process, and consume food.
  • The social dimension: Update and create new laws, and policies.  Including economic measures to recenter human values and reduce environmental and social injustice.

John’s Takeaways.

“My new book, is about how to address this seemingly overwhelming challenge.  It has some good tidings—some rays of hope. Replacing the fossil fuel system on which we now rely for almost 80 percent of our energy is possible and it can be done in a timely manner with a sustainable clean-energy system that will be akin to a heart transplant for the economy. The newly invigorated, modernized clean-energy economy will produce tens of millions of new jobs and save trillions of dollars, even as it avoids tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars or more in climate damage. Protecting the climate is thus potentially the greatest economic opportunity of our time. My book describes the work of climate savers’ whose progress in their pursuit of this enterprise is cause for hope and inspiration.”

In Closing.

John’s mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to a clean-energy economy, and build a sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

“Together, we can work toward solutions to climate change to build a greener and brighter future”

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