Kevin Farrell

Kevin Farrell will be my guest on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, September 18th from 1-2 PT.

Meet Kevin.

Kevin is a Brain Tumor Survivor and Founder/President of the Tee Off for Brain Tumors Foundation. Kevin is also an Army Veteran who proudly served 13 years achieving the rank of Sergeant before transitioning to civilian life.  In April of 2015, Kevin was diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor. He underwent three surgeries to remove a brain tumor the size of a peach. This led to his involvement in the American Brain Tumor Association.  Ultimately he started the Tee Off for Brain Tumors Golf Outing and Foundation.

You might wonder, what is an Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor? An acoustic neuroma is a noncancerous tumor that develops on the main nerve leading from the inner ear to the brain.

This nerve is called the vestibular nerve. Branches of the nerve directly affect balance and hearing. In Kevin’s case, he has lost hearing in one ear.

Tee Off for Brain Tumors Foundation.




The mission of the Foundation is to raise money for The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) and more directly brain tumor research and funding the fellowship program.

Their next outing is coming up on October 6th, 2023, starting at 9 a.m. at the Golf Club of Dublin, in Dublin Ohio. This is the 5th annual Tee Off for Brain Tumors that Kevin is hosting.  The money raised will go directly to support the neuro-oncology department to help fund brain tumor research.

In Closing.

Kevin hopes he can inspire others to act on their own symptoms and that his efforts can help find answers for the many people who may face what he went through down the road.

    Tune in on Monday, September 18th from 1-2 PT:  Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast

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