Marsha Wietecha


What happens when a guest, unfortunately, cancels on “game day”?  You “pivot” and guess what?  I am going to be featuring ME today!!! Yes, you read that correctly.  Who knows Marsha Wietecha better?  You can listen in today at 1:00PT to the live broadcast on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Where it all began…

In November of 2013, I started writing the Born To Talk Radio Show Blog. Writing, along with photography and a love for music, was a great method of expression.

In April of 2015, my Blog got a voice when my weekly internet radio hosting career began. I’ve had conversations with a wide variety of guests that range from Non-profits, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Actors, Musicians, Athletes, and people in the community all with a story to share. For nearly three years, my show was broadcast with an audio and visual feed from the LA Talk Live studio right in my hometown of Westchester. I loved the opportunity to have my guests join me face to face.

In March of 2018, the Born To Talk Radio Show became a Podcast! This gives me the wonderful opportunity of having guests from anywhere in the country join me each Monday from 1-2 PT

Born To Talk

Let’s take a look back.  I wrote this many years ago, and guess what?  This still describes me today!

Born to Talk describes me perfectly. I love nothing better than meeting new people wherever I go. It could be in a foreign country and equally exciting, standing next to someone in line at the market. I am the one that will smile at you and say hello. If you are wearing something that identifies something about you; a vacation shirt, a volunteer shirt, or a sports shirt or hat, I’m most likely going to engage you in conversation. Or perhaps you have the cutest sweater, necklace, or pair of shoes; just about anything that strikes some interest. Honestly, if you just have a pleasant smile, that’s about all I need to know, there’s always the weather that opens a conversation.

I’m an equal opportunity talker, young or old, man or woman; I think everyone has a story to tell.

Here’s my story. I was born and raised in the community of Westchester California, (a small community within Los Angeles) where I continue to live today. I was married for 38 years until my husband, Butch passed away unexpectedly over 13 years ago at the Staples Center. We have two married kids, 2 grand dogs, and 2 grand cats.

As with any unexpected life-altering experience, I’ve had to adjust. Fortunately for me, I am surrounded by incredible friends. One of my friends offered me some advice shortly after Butch passed away, she said, “never say no to an invitation.” I took her seriously and haven’t looked back.

You will be entering my world which includes interests in people, non-profits, and sports,  I look forward to sharing this with you because I was Born To Talk.


Here are the people I mentioned today and their websites:

Russell & Symond Boschetto  Share Hope USA.   Oh My!!  Check out this Youtube from 11/20/2017

Yuri Williams  A Future Super Hero & FriendsFarron Dozier  Retired Military, Radio Host & Community Leader.

Devon Blaine  The Blaine Group.

Thank you, Tia The Terrific for your continued support! It means the world to me!



Special thanks to Deb Blaine. None of this would have happened without you! (No relation to Devon other than they are both fabulous women!)

In Closing.

When an opportunity knocks on your door, you have 2 options.

Ignore it or open it wide! And that is just what I’ve done today, it’s wide open!! Come on in and sit a spell!


Thank you to the 466 fabulous guests that have been on this amazing journey with me!

Conversations + Connections = Community

Making the world a better place.  One Story at a time. 

What’s Your Story? I want to share it!

 [email protected]

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