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Thank you, Pamela Jane Nye, for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast! Pam is the CEO of Neuroscience Nursing and also the CEO/Executive Director of Operation Scrubs. She is also an Associate Professor teaching in the Nurse Practitioner Program for the UCLA School of Nursing. Pam also is a mentor to many students, even those still in high school through the Stem program.
Did you know?
In 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation on March 25, proclaiming “National Recognition Day for Nurses” to be May 6, 1982. In 1990 The ANA Board of Directors expanded the recognition of nurses to a week-long celebration, declaring May 6 – 12, 1991, as National Nurses Week.
As you listen to this show, you will find that Pam and I have some common threads. I was Born To Talk, she was Born To Nurse. It will be apparent as she shares her stories about why at age 16 as a volunteer Candy Striper, she would ultimately land in the nursing profession.
Neuroscience Nursing.
With all her education and experience in the nursing field, Pam decided to become a nurse entrepreneur and start her first organization Neuroscience Nursing, Ltd. Her mission is to: “Educate nurses and honor their work.” Her Vision is to: “Shine a light for the American public to witness nurses’ contributions to the health of people of all ages, genders, cultures, and locations.”
One way she supports nurses is through her scholarship programs. If you are interested in making a contribution, Pam asks that you contact her directly. Her email and phone number are listed on her website. She would love your support.
Operation Scrubs.
The World Health Organization designated 2020 as “The Year of the Nurse.” Unfortunately, the planned celebration had to be “scrubbed” no pun intended! But that hasn’t stopped Pam from moving forward this year. That’s when her idea took shape to start the Thank a Nurse Challenge by providing the public a free platform to write a message of appreciation, support, or love of nurses by accessing her link to the Wall of Gratitude.
By following the link, you can leave a message on an existing team, as I did on Pam’s team or you can create your own team. This challenge will continue through the end of the year, with the goal to reach 1 billion!!! You will see a virtual wall thanking the front-line hero nurses and memorializing the more than 1,700 who have died during the Covid-19 virus.
Los Angeles Nurse Network.
Los Angeles Nurse Network is a platform for nurses to network, collaborate and learn from each other. It’s a place for you to display your good work, entrepreneurial efforts, internal performance improvement, and other projects. The possibilities are limitless. You don’t need to live in Los Angeles to enjoy their monthly Zoom meetings. They meet the last Friday of each month at 12:00 PT.
Takeaways from Pam:
“The most meaningful and enduring thank you gesture is verbal — candy, doughnuts, and flowers are nice — but the written note on a THE WALL OF NURSE GRATITUDE is long-lasting and will endure long past 2021.
“2020 was the Year of the Nurse, but 2021 is the Year of the Nurse +1 — as we reclaim the celebration of the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale that slipped by unnoticed last year.”
Please take a few moments to join me and a billion others by year-end to write on the Wall of Gratitude and
take the
Thank a Nurse Challenge, along with me.
Thank you for all you do Pam!
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