I mentioned last week that I was not taking full advantage of going for a walk by the beach. One of my friends invited me for a walk with her this week. Yet another reminder why being outside can be enjoyable!
The Black Swan is just sitting at the Venice Canals, waiting to take a dip.Reflections of the water fowl made us stop for a quick photo shoot. The Snowy Egret.
Guessing this is a Long-billed Dowitcher and I would be wrong. It’s a Marbled Godwit.
But wait, looking up in the giant bird of paradise, is the quiet Allen’s Hummingbird taking a rest.
Love my camera’s zoom, sometimes I can’t help myself.
We continued our walk along the wet and muddy pathway of the Ballona Canals towards the jetty in Marina Del Rey. I knew we were going to be in for a treat, because the Brown Pelicans love this area. I typically see them on the south side of the channel. This was going to be fun!
I find these birds so interesting. I think you can see why.
Can’t help thinking of David Bowie!
Check out this little guy, the Black-crowned Night Heron. Yes that white plume is attached to his head! He’s a rocker!!
It’s a standoff!
Confession, I did receive The National Audubon Society Field Guide to Birds, Western Region. It is helping me identify these birds. That’s how I know this is a Double-crested Cormorant.Now you can’t visit the beach and not be taken by the waves, especially since we have been having the much anticipated storms and rain. It was a beautiful day as you can see in Venice, California, and the Santa Monica mountains in the background and the seagulls catching the wind drafts.
The Venice Pier.
I wonder…