“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.
Wouldn’t you like to get away?”
I can’t think of an opening theme song that I like better than Cheers, “Where Everybody Knows You Name.”
I’ve been home from my latest adventure for just 4 months and I am beginning to realize that my suitcase is feeling lonely. The truth is; it’s pretty beat up from my last International adventure. I believe unless I can have the entire spinning wheel replaced, it’s a goner!
I’m pretty excited about where my suitcase is going next.
My best friend, Linda moved here from Litchfield, Minnesota while we were in the 5th grade. We have been friends through thick and thin ever since.
We used to tell people we were twins, because both of our mom’s made all of our clothes and we dressed alike. The styles were always similar and the fabric was slightly different to allow for the fact that she is 6 inches taller and a blonde, okay so there may be some differences in our appearance, but we knew we were sisters from another mother.
We’re going to take a road trip this fall to connect up with another elementary school friend, Janet.
We caught up with one another last year for an impromptu visit. Somewhere there is a photo of us posing just like this from elementary. I have no idea where that one is!! But here we are many years later! That’s my “twin” Linda on the left and Janet on the right.Janet lives in Sammamish, Washington. Guess what I just found out? Sammamish was voted America’s Friendliest Town with a population of nearly 47,000 people.
I wonder how many people I can meet in a few days? Along the way from California to Washington we will be stopping to visit other classmates and friends that reside in Northern California and Oregon. Fall foliage West Coast Style.
While it is the beginning of summer, I don’t want to waste my opportunities to enjoy where the road takes me in my own backyard.
I was thinking about a long time ago, I posted on FaceBook, The Bird of the Week. The hummingbirds were often featured as the tiniest bird and then I would follow up with a Coopers Hawk that is on the opposite side of the size meter and then many in between that either gathered in my own yard, or I saw amongst my travels.
The next thing I know, I’m traveling through my own time capsule when I noticed the folders that read, New Camera, Day 1, November 27, 2014. You see, I wasn’t satisfied to just have my point and shoot, that is a continuation of my hand most of the time, and I had to have a bigger, larger zoom capacity camera.
Here’s the problem I discovered on this “trip” the photos are not in the folders that make the most sense. New Camera day 1 just doesn’t describe anything!
Here I sit, in the heat of the afternoon, (air conditioning to be installed this coming week) and I’m on my photo trip of New Camera by the days. I had forgotten about all of these photos, because, they are not where they should be.
Think of a pile on your desk, well, it’s the same thing. It’s a pile of folders on my desk top. I’m pretty curious what’s there, probably some of them have already been part of my blogs last year…Lets check them out!
Remember this beautiful feral cat? I was freaking out, because he was sitting at my “bird table.” This is before…This past May. I am now taking care of “Fraidy Cat.”
And Fatty Cat in December.
And 7 months later. Oh my, he has lost so much weight. The food is out for him as well, doesn’t look he’s eating too much of it though.
I had forgotten about this one too. Sometimes you just have to look up.
The Coopers Hawk is ever present. I had a lot of fun photographing him with my long zoom camera through my sliding glass door. Creepy eyes!! Now these photos need to be moved to the Coopers Hawk folder 2015! What in the world am I waiting for?
Same thing for this hummer, just sitting in a folder!
Love the scrub jays! He takes the peanuts from my hand now!
No photo blog can be complete without my friend Sylvia. Yes it’s true with the exception of the obvious Stanley; they are all Sylvia’s to me.
My point is with a little bit more diligence to organization, perhaps I can move these photos to their correct already established folders, and then I won’t have to keep wondering…where is the photo I took???
It may not have required packing a suitcase, but spending some quality time looking at photos can be its own special trip, when you just want to get a way.
See you next time.