It had to happen sometime. I’ve been home from my Turkey and Greece adventure for nearly 3 months. What was once a blog 3 times a week has been reduced lately to once a week. Why, because being a new weekly internet radio show host has taken those time slots in my life.
Funny how that can happen, when you start in one place and find yourself in another. I am still the Queen of the fragmented sentence, but I’ve learned through Toastmasters, not to start every other sentence with the word “so.”
I enjoy blogging as a form of communication, but given my choice, I would love to just speak with each of you. All of you that have been reading my blogs or listening to my shows have a lot to offer, I suppose that’s why we’re friends. Maybe we haven’t actually met, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to meet you and have a conversation, trust me!
My photography, I now realize; is another form of communication. When I try to blend the blog and the radio, it presents a real challenge.
It reminds me of a time in my young parenting life, when my kids, being very different had only one mom, that would be me. What worked for one didn’t necessarily work for the other.
As I find my balance in communicating, I wanted to share some of my final photos that hadn’t made it to the blog as I recap a great adventure, utilizing two cameras.
Starting with just a few more cats, birds, and bugs:Food and Beverage. Everyone should have a little room service at the end of a long trip.
Or maybe just a snack after a long day.
Booze did you say? Here are the two official drinks, not for the faint of heart.
Raki in Turkey.Ouzo in Greece.
Let’s not forget the street musicians.
Good Bye Athens.
Good Bye Istanbul.
After a flight from Athens to Istanbul and Istanbul home…we are ready to see this sign! Hello Los Angeles!!
Wonder where we will go next year? My passport is ready!