Liz Lee

Thank you Liz Lee for joining me on today’s Born to Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Liz Lee is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 17 years of experience working in social services, including 11 years working with unhoused populations. For the past 2 years she has served as Safe Place for Youth’s Chief Programs Officer.

Safe Place for Youth was founded by community members out of a dire need for supportive services for youth experiencing, or at-risk of experiencing, homelessness in West LA. As a community organization first and foremost, their mission is to empower young people experiencing homelessness to thrive. As a result, they provide lasting, community-driven solutions that address racial and social inequity.

Their care includes street outreach, access center services, case management, health and wellness, and education and employment programs.

Los Angeles is in the middle of an affordable housing crisis. Escalating rents have outpaced wages causing a shortfall of over 500,000 affordable units for low-income households.   This has cause many individuals to be priced out of the housing market. With housing costs and other costs of living expenses, nearly 1⁄4 of LA County residents live in poverty.  This is the highest rate in California. These economic factors can make it difficult for young people to locate affordable, stable, and safe housing.

Since their founding, Safe Place for Youth has focused on providing a safe space for at-risk and unhoused youth to receive critical resources and a connection to community. Their “hub of hope” Access Center in Venice offers day services to nearly 1,000 youth annually.  This includes on-site housing assessment and connection to available housing programs.

Liz’s Takeaways.

What Liz wants you to know, is that unhoused youth are a unique and resilient group that she feels privileged to work with. Although it will take resources and patience, they can resolve the housing crisis in Los Angeles. The key is more affordable housing.

Consider making a donation to S.P.Y. your money will make a difference.

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