On Monday, July 27th 1-2 PT, my Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast will be featuring returning guest, David Blu.
Meet David Blu.
David is a retired professional basketball player, a lifestyle coach, and a teacher of self-healing. David teaches a self-regulation course which is based on ancient human energy manipulation and self-healing techniques that have benefited humans for thousands of years. These practices helped David to become a world-class athlete and sought-after health and wellness coach.
David incorporates into his lessons, many healing modalities. Some may be familiar, others may be new to you.
Here is an example:
Traditional physical fitness routines and optimal nutritional habits, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Kundalini yoga, breath mastery, self-acupressure, self- reflexology, and much more.
Since stay at home orders were implemented, Art of Self-Regulation has shifted to a virtual model on the Zoom platform. David utilizes screen sharing to present information to students as well as provide demonstrations of specific breathing techniques.
The Show’s Focus.
To begin with, now more than ever we have an opportunity to check into our own routines. We all have them. Have you changed yours since Covid-19? In this show, David will take us through some of his morning and evening routines. What are the benefits?
Do you remember this adage? “You are what you eat.” What you may not know is, this has been traced back to Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. In 1826, in his book The Physiology of Taste. He wrote, “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”
Nutrition is an essential part of David’s routine. As a result of healthy eating, are there some specific foods he recommends eating each day? What are examples of alkaline and acidic foods? How do they make us feel?
To summarize, grab a pen and paper, you may want to take some notes!
What’s Your Story?
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