In the sports world, this is a Super day for football fans across the country. But what if you’re not a football fan? What instead if you root for birds? How much do you know about your local Audubon Society?
I took advantage of the Los Angeles Audubon Society’s walk in the Open Wetlands at our local Ballona Salt Marsh. http://losangelesaudubon.orgThey provided binoculars; something that I didn’t think was possible wearing glasses, think again! I’m getting these!
Volunteers were available to help all the visitors view birds through powerful spotting scopes along the Ballona Creek. Now we are talking Super powerful stationed lenses perfectly focused to see the birds in the distance.
This was a treat to walk along an area that is generally closed to the public, with the exception of the 1st Saturday of each month. It is also used as a wonderful learning experience for local elementary schools, guided by Cindy Hardin and her crew of volunteers teaching an environmental education program. The Friends of Ballona Wetlands have a couple of public events monthly also. Check out their website.
It was a beautiful day and an opportunity to see what birds were hanging around just a few short miles from my house.
Off I go…Allen’s HummingbirdLooks like a tree “wishbone.” Bet they wish it would bring on some rain!
Typically I don’t post photos that are failures; and I have many. But I’m including this because you can see the brilliant color on this hummingbird even though this is completely out of focus.
The Finches were perched singing their hearts out!
I’m not sure what this tree is, but I loved how the sun captured the blooms.
What’s that out in the distance? A Great Blue Heron.
Yes it’s very dry in many parts with fresh water flowing in and out.
As we walked toward the creek and jetty there were Surf Scoters.
It was the Kingfisher that made this an extra Super day for me. This was the first time I’ve seen one. I was thrilled to score this photo…touchdown for me!
I suppose the way to conclude a Super day was to meet a friend for a beer a giant pretzel and some German food!
Congrats to whomever ends up winning the game today on this Super Bowl Sunday.
I know that I have had a Super Weekend and it doesn’t get much better than that!
See you next week!