Kevin Farrell

Thank you, Kevin Farrell, for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.


Kevin is a Brain Tumor Survivor and Founder and President of the Tee Off For Brain Tumors Foundation.

His story is an inspiring one. After having three brain tumors removed, he has decided to give back to the research community by organizing a golf tournament to raise money for cancer research. Even more inspiring, however, is his positive attitude despite all that he has been through. Kevin has said that every day is a blessing, and he lives his life based on how much good and fun he can bring into it. His invaluable efforts in fundraising for cancer research are truly inspiring for us all.

Coming up this October 6th, 2023, there will be an outing at the Golf Club of Dublin, in Dublin, Ohio. This tournament will benefit The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute.  The proceeds go directly to Brain Tumor Research and funding the Fellowship Program. They have raised over $100,000 in their first 4 years. If you are interested in donating please click here.

Kevin’s Takeaways.

“I started this event, in hopes of raising awareness of the symptoms that people should be aware of that may indicate that there may be an issue.  By donating to The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center specifically to Brain Tumor Research, it is my hope that someday, doctors might find a cause and cure as to what causes these tumors.”

In closing.

As you might imagine, being diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor, in 2014 must have been frightening. His courage and support for others is both uplifting and encouraging.

Tune in to hear the podcast!

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