Lissa Warren

Thank you Lissa Warren for joining me on The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.  Lissa Warren has been a literary publicist for more than 25 years. Since 2003, Lissa has been an Adjunct Professor at Emerson College, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses as part of their Writing, Literature, and Publishing program and creating their Book Publicity course.  She launched her own company in 2019, which specializes in publicty for books and authors.

Lissa’s Books.

Lissa is the author of The Savvy Author’s Guide to Book Publicity and a memoir, The Good Luck Cat: How a Cat Saved a Family and a Family Saved a Cat.  



The Savvy Author’s Guide to Book Publicity covers everything from how to write press material, targeting the right shows and publications, following up effectively with the media, and hiring people who can help ensure that every bookseller and consumer has a chance to hear an author’s message loud and clear.







The Good Luck Cat enchants, captivates, and takes the breath away (but in a good omen-kind-of way). A strong recommend for those who love cats, for those who love history and literature about cats, and for those who love a powerful story told well.

Lissa’s Takeaways.

“If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, I encourage you to learn all you can about the publishing business before jumping in. And it is indeed that–a business. Yes, there’s art to writing, and an art to editing, and an art to designing books. But as someone who has worked in the book industry for thirty years and as someone who has published two books herself, I can tell you that publishing is more business than art.  Authors who don’t go into it with eyes wide open often have a tough go of it.”

“Writing is an art, publishing is a business–and a complicated, convoluted one at that. Educate yourself. Seek advice from other authors. Find good professionals to guide you–literary agents, editors, cover designers, and people who know how to market and publicize books. And not just any kind of book. Your kind of book–your category, your genre.”

In Closing.

Perhaps this podcast will be just what you have been looking for to get YOUR book published!!


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