Symond and his dad Russell will be my guests on my Born To Talk radio show this Monday, November 21, 2016. You can watch and listen live on and starting at 1:00 PST. Together they founded…

Born To Talk Radio Show |
Welcome To My World
Chinese Water Dragon, mugging for the camera. Are you sayin’ “I’m Fat?”Now what, my beak is too long for my body?I need a pedicure!Me too! Found a peanut! Are you starring at my butt?That’s all…
Celeste Barbier
Celeste Barbier is a vintage vocalist. She is saucy and sultry and she will be joining me on Monday, November 14th, on my Born To Talk radio show from 1-2 PT on and The beauty of the…
Word Of The Day
Following a stressful time in our country, when words and expressions are sometimes conflicted between friends, family and strangers; I’ve decided to choose my own words that speak to me and my life as I see…
Stoddard Brown
Do you love to travel? Where do you start? If you have a travel agent, they can ask the questions to help you make some of those decisions. This week’s guest is Stoddard Brown, he’s a travel…
Great Blue Heron
There are times when I just keep my focus on one magnificent bird. Today, it’s the Great Blue Heron.Another great Wordless Wednesday, brought to you by my Panasonic Lumix Camera!
Everlecia Taylor
The definition of effervescent is an adjective that means vivacious and enthusiastic. If a picture of a person was also seen in the dictionary under that word, you would see the face of Everlecia Taylor. I…
Can You See Me Now?
Do you ever want to just bury your head?Or do you prefer a close-up?Is your life in balance?Or are you just all wet?However, you see your day, don’t forget to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you….
Compassion Through Action
Behind every successful non-profit is a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of the people you serve. This is true for Jeff Padilla, the Executive Director of Compassion Through Action.Jeff is not new…
Flower Power Part 2
Sharing the beautiful colors of the fall flowers in the New England landscape.