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Ending the year at Loyola Marymount University

On this Wordless Wednesday, I am sharing my photos from the last week of December on a beautiful day. This is the campus of LMU, located walking distance from my home. I shared this day with my son Dave and his bride to be Eva.

2016 was a great year and 2017 looks to be equally exciting! Thanks for following me on my photo journal blog that started in November of 2013!  What a trip!

Love this little Black Phoebe. I’m so happy when it sits still long enough for a photo!Happy New Year friends!!

Do you love music? Then tune in every Monday at 11:00 PST to my Music Shuffle. 90 minutes of my favorite tunes on the hottest radio station on the internet today, LA Talk Live, a studio in my hometown community of Westchester, California.

Then stay tuned to my Born To Talk radio show heard and seen on www.latalklive.com and www.ustream.tv/channel/la-talk-live

Almney King, poet, author, film maker and student at Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media Arts will be joining me to tell her story.