How much do you know about the Special Olympics? Maybe you remember way back in the summer of 1968 at Soldier Field in Chicago when Eunice Kennedy Shriver had an idea and organized the first Special Olympics International games. She wanted people with intellectual disabilities to have an opportunity to realize their potential, develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy and friendship. Eunice understood the importance of working alongside people with intellectual disabilities from her own family experience. Her oldest sister, Rosemary was born with intellectual disabilities and displayed great interest in sports. They were just three years apart in age and very close. Now the Special…

Born To Talk Radio Show |
Flower Power Part 1
The power of the flower as seen through my camera in New England. Words are unnecessary on this Wordless Wednesday.
The Motivated Men of Dorsey High School
My guests this week are part of the Motivated Men of Dorsey High School. Their mission is to provide strategic support to Dorsey High School administration in promoting academic achievement and establishing a positive learning experience…
Living in the moment!
I constantly need to remind myself to “live in the moment” do you ever have that problem? I can get so caught up in my to-do lists, that I stop doing some things that mean the…
The Mighty Marilyn McLaughlin
My guest this Monday, September 26, 2016 is Marilyn McLaughlin.You will have the opportunity to hear and watch her story on or from 1-2 PT. The archived show will be available later in the afternoon for your listening…
Scott and Becca Goodman
I’d like to introduce you to Becca and Scott Goodman.They will be my guests on The Born To Talk Radio Show heard live on or Monday, October 3, 2016 from 1-2 PT. If you miss the live…
It’s Beginning To Look Like Fall
You know fall is here when you take a look around. The leaves are turning on my garage.Nothing says fall better than a pumpkin or two with some gourds for good measure. Or a piping hot…
Meet Yolanda Sumpter
Do you have a passion in your life, something that stirs your very soul? My guest Yolanda Sumpter is just that person.Yolanda is the Commissioner for the LA County Commission on HIV. HIV is an epidemic…
Back To School
School is back in session. While the kindergarten children are learning their lessons, there are similarities in nature as well. Remember your teacher telling your kids to… Line up. Stand up straight.Not that way!Wipe off your…
Jabari K.Smith
I’m always interested in meeting new people. The stories of my guests continue to inspire me each week. The happenstance of meeting Jabari, was just that, being in the right place at the right time. You…