Raynor Carroll

Meet Raynor Carroll.

Raynor Carroll taught for nearly 20 years at his alma mater California State University Los Angeles. He  has also taught at USC, the Los Angeles Music Academy, California State University Long Beach, and UCLA. Most recently, he lead a series of master classes at Percusiva 2024, an annual percussion festival held in Mexico City, Mexico.

Raynor had a distinguished 33-year career with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra where he held the titles of Co-Principal Timpani and Principal Percussion from 1983 until his retirement in 2016.  Later, in 2021 Raynor along with six other prominent black percussionists from across the U.S. devoted to mentoring Black percussionists pursuing a career in symphonic percussion founded the nonprofit, Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists. ABOP.

Alliance of Black Orchestral Percussionists. ABOP

ABOP provides professional development through comprehensive training and mentorship for the concert stage.  In doing so, they are  changing the future face of symphonic orchestras nationwide.

ABOP’s goal is to change the paradigm of representation in orchestras by guiding, supporting, and empowering future generations of Black orchestral percussionists.


To reach this goal, ABOP has implemented the Black Orchestral Percussion Mentorship Program, a training program—the first of its kind. They guide and motivate Black orchestral percussionists to realize their full potential.

The Mentorship Program will boost national percussion audition rosters with exceptional Black candidates. They will be prepared, well-trained, and strong contenders for any orchestral position across America.

This national program provides one-on-one instruction and direction for Black symphonic percussionists.  Guidance is provided by selected mentor-percussionists in the field.  Besides instruction, the program includes a variety of opportunities such as master classes, workshops, community involvement, recitals, and concert tickets.

ABOP is determined to increase the number, as well as raise the performance level, of Black percussionists. In addition, they are preparing them to audition for universities/conservatories, and eventually, orchestra positions.

Raynor’s Takeaways.

“I have been blessed with an amazing career in classical music.  I held my “dream job” as Principal Percussionist with the LA Phil for 33 years.  However, as a performer and educator, I always noted the lack of diversity on and off stage. After retiring from the LA Phil, I decided to initiate something that had never been done. I helped create a nationwide mentorship program that guides and empowers young Black percussionists to a career in symphonic music.”

In Closing.

Please visit the ABOP Website at www.abop.us to learn more about ABOP’s Mentorship Program for young Black symphonic percussionists, and to support diversity and equity on our nation’s concert stages.  Here is a link if you would like to make a donation. Lastly, if you love music, you will love hearing how Raynor has taken his love for making percussion music to another level.

Listen in to hear his story!

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