Robert Feldman

Thank you Robert Feldman for joining me on The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Meet Robert.

Robert Feldman is the CEO, President and Co-Founder of WOWS Insurance Services.  They are designed to deliver insurance solutions for large homes that struggle to secure insurance in California. Robert has been an insurance professional with nearly 25 years of experience. His specialty is insurance in fire zones and hard to place risks. As an industry professional, Robert has served as a speaker at the California Association of Realtors. Robert travels the state educating realtors about how to secure insurance for homes that are deemed uninsurable.

He also serves on many task forces and insurance panels, working directly with senior leadership of many insurance carriers to solve the state’s current insurance crisis.  Robert has pioneered innovative solutions to provide comprehensive coverage for large homes struggling to secure insurance in a wildfire-prone state. Consequently, his work continues to shape the future of California’s insurance landscape.


The changes in the fire insurance industry and the challenges the insurance companies are facing have increased over the course of the last 10 years. As a result, these changes created the opportunity to change how homes are insured. This is why WOWS Insurance Services was founded and why they have created their product.  Basically, WOWS has created the blueprint for how the industry will evolve and succeed going forward. 

Robert’s Takeaways.

“Todays’s Fire Insurance Crisis.”  US home insurance rates are up nearly 38% since 2019 & the percentage of Americans without homeowners insurance has more than doubled in the last 5 years.  Yet today’s fire insurance crisis is not due to anything new. It started 10 years ago & has been escalating the entire time.  It’s an ideal example of Einstein’s theory of insanity: doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. Instead, it just becomes more so.  That’s why insurance companies are now cutting back & pulling out of markets where they can no longer afford to sustain significant losses. The fire risk landscape is constantly evolving. And the insurance industry needs to change with it.”

Tune in to learn more!

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