Susan G. Komen LA County with Mark Pilon & Terri Brooks

Thanks to my guests, from Susan G. Komen LA County, Mark Pilon & Terri Brooks.


Mark has served as the Executive Director of the Susan G. Komen LA County since 2013, after spending 10 years with Make-A-Wish. He said, “The best part of working in Non-Profits is you get to move the needle forward, and making something better for someone.”

Terri is a Breast Cancer survivor and Spokesperson for Susan G. Komen LA County.  She and Mark met through a sponsored program,  Circle of Promise.

Through that experience, Terri became an Ambassador, Speaker and ultimately a Spokesperson..

Terri’s Journey.

Imagine being involved in a divorce, with three young daughters, and learning that you had Ductal Carcinoma in Situ. This is a non-invasive breast cancer where abnormal cells have been contained in the lining of the breast milk duct.  Terri trusted her gut when she knew that she felt something in her breast but it wasn’t showing up with a regular mammogram. Armed with persistence, she scheduled an ultra-sound where her lump was discovered and confirmed early on in 2015.  

Terri knew she wanted to make a difference for other women. The first thing she did was start a non-profit, The World of Lonsville. The goal was to make other women feel comfortable as they faced their condition, she understands the barriers.

Now what?

Where do you turn and what do you do? Do you follow conventional treatment, such as chemo, or do you decided to take a natural approach?  Terri explains her decision to ultimately have a double mastectomy. When asked what advice she would give to others in a similar situation she said, “Decide what’s best for you.” Learn what you can do.

Mark’s story.

Education is a keep component in helping anyone that has been diagnosed with any type of Breast Cancer.  Everyone has their own unique needs, including anything from financial support to emotional support. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will develop Breast Cancer? 1 in 100 men will as well. It’s just not talked about as often, but it does happen. Breast tissue is still breast tissue.


If you are interested in knowing about the events happening in Los Angeles County during October’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, visit this link for Pink SavesThere are fundraisers scheduled throughout the city.  And also free mobile mamograms.

You don’t live in the Los County area? Don’t let that stop you from getting information. Simply follow this link,  Susan G. Komen

One last important resource. Terri’s mom, Betty Lou, passed away from Breast Cancer. In honoring her, Terri has arranged special Betty Lou’s Fight with No Fear Cancer Boxes. Terri has a keen passion for women that fight this fight. There will be more information about these boxes very soon.

The Goal.

Susan G. Komen has set a bold goal across the country to reduce cancer deaths by 50%.  Nearly 42,000 women die each year from Breast Cancer in the US.  By 2026, they plan to reduce cancer deaths by 50%.

What’s Your Story?  Conversations + Connections = Community