My last few blogs have been about travel, but today my focus is on my future! I’ll be back to travel soon.
It’s a time of new beginnings both in nature and also in my personal life. It’s so nice to see how spring sprung while I was gone. Let’s start with the yard!
Blossom from the Pineapple Guava Tree; fruit later this year.White Cabbage Rose
Pink Camellia getting ready to bloom
Bougainville is back!
Hummingbird favorite, Dwarf Bottlebrush
What comes along with the beautiful flowers are the happy birds and bees! It is springtime after all!
White Crown Sparrow with the most beautiful song every evening.
The Bees have it.
And here is what all the buzzing is about!!!
On Monday, April 13th from 1-2pst, My Born To Talk Blog is coming alive just like the new flowers in springtime. I will be launching my first radio show on the internet! It’s so easy…just go to your favorite browser and type or simply follow this link to not only listen live but watch as well!!! All shows will be archived at the end of each broadcast.
The focus will be how Conversations plus Connections equal Community.
I invite you to join me!!!