A Dog and His Man

I hear music in my head, do you? The song that comes to mind was from Jackie DeShannon… 1969…

Think of your fellow man; lend him a helping hand, put a little love in your heart.

It was just another ordinary day; make a list, run some errands, figure out what needs to be accomplished. The to-do list included the pharmacy, my full service one stop shop for meds to nail polish remover.

But what happened next was not ordinary and demonstrated just how wonderful strangers can be to one another. I like to believe that given the opportunity, we can all be kind. What I witnessed was a reminder.

There was an older white man standing with his shopping cart full of blankets and his trusted German Shepherd near the entrance of the pharmacy. I looked at both of them and felt a sense of sadness as I entered. I was met by an African American woman leaving the store with a large bag of dog food suspended between her two arms. I thought immediately as I clutched my heart, she is going to give the dog food to this gentleman.


My view was obstructed, but I watched so see if she kept going to the parking lot. It was clear to me as I watched a couple walk in, when the lady was wiping tears from her eyes, that indeed, she too was experiencing a random act of kindness. At the same time, a Hispanic woman walked in to use the ATM. I spoke with her and asked if she had witnessed this exchange. She had. She talked about what is was like for her being homeless and then finding a place to live. She said that her church always helps the homeless. She also mentioned that perhaps this man was a Veteran, who would be entitled to services, but unfortunately without a permanent address, it is not likely to happen.

I sighed, wished her a nice day and thanked her for her conversation. When I stepped outside, the dog and his man had left the area.

Still thinking about their partnership and companionship I drove out of the parking lot. As I stopped at the signal the following message appeared on the license frame in the car in front of me. It simply said…Be kind to one another.

Yes indeed that was the message of the day. Strangers brought together in a random act of kindness. Additional lyrics from a song over 44 years ago:

And the world, would be a better place, and the world, would be a better place

For you and me,

You just wait and see.

Put a little love in your heart.
