On my, Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast Monday, April 27th from 1-2 PT my guest will be Bobbie Casalino-Lewis. Bobbie is a Style Motivator and creator of Fashionably Wealthy.
Meet Bobbie!
Bobbie Casalino-Lewis is a Style Expert hired by confident leaders who show up powerfully in the world. She’s styled Celebrity Doctor Gail Jackson, Thought Leader Baeth Davis, and is the “Go-to Stylist” for Keri Murphy’s “IT FACTOR”. Her work has helped clients renew relationships, gain confidence, and become client magnets. She will help you discover what Style type you are and 3 steps to achieving it.
Growing up in metropolitan New York during the 50’s and 60’s and a desire to be just like Pollyanna, shaped her view of the world and embedded in her a clear understanding of how important the way you visually present yourself really is. Bobbie’s clothes were either hand-me-downs or what she was able to produce on her treadle Singer sewing machine.
Understandably, finding her personal style began early on. In those times, if you dressed like a “protestor or hippie” you could easily find yourself being swept into that category whether or not it was your intent.
Hand-me-Downs to High Fashion.
The fashion you chose defines you. Fashion is a moving target, it’s like produce: the better your selection, the longer it will last. Style, on the other hand, is the most important aspect of how one visually presents themselves. The colors, textures, cuts, and fit are critical aspects to making picture-perfect, first and lasting impressions. Humans are visual creatures; blame it on the caveman. We “size” up one another and basically decide friend or foe in less than 30 seconds.
Let’s take a break from our current events and talk about fashion, from an expert!
What does “dressing for the day you want” mean?
Does your wardrobe speak for you or against you? Is it versatile, or can you make do? What should you release from your closet?
What are 3 Pillars of Style?
How do you decide what to wear? Do you have a favorite color? What does your closet say about you?
Lastly, are you letting this “stay at home” lifestyle finding you only in sweats and pajamas? How does that make you feel?
Tune in for some fashion advice, from Bobbie!!
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