Why do I do the things I do? I have examined my life lately and blogging has certainly played a huge role in this process. Let’s face it; I am “exposing” myself to the public. The Good News…My close friends already know about my “weirdities” while my new friends are just learning. The Bad News…Being…
I See, I feel, I Hear…Don’t Picture Those Cute Little Monkeys!
I get the question all the time, as I hand an unsuspecting friend or total stranger my business card…What are you going to write about? My business card says it all…Born to Talk. As it turns out, it’s talking in the written form. My short answer to the simple question has to do with what…
Are You a Driver or a Passenger?
Most of us fit more comfortably in the car as the driver or the passenger. I can remember how important it was to get a driver’s license in high school. Many of my friends started driving the day they turned 16. That Drivers Ed. class was the all important component to a reduce car insurance…