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Allen Franz

Allen Franz is a volunteer member and Exec. VP for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy. www.pvplc.org. Tune into my Born To Talk radio show starting at 1:00 PT on Monday, March 20, 2017 on www.latalklive.com or  www.ustream.tv/channel/la-talk-live for your listening and viewing pleasure. Do you know what a land conservancy can provide to the public? This is what this…

Symond and Russell Boschetto

Symond and his dad Russell will be my guests on my Born To Talk radio show this Monday, November 21, 2016.  You can watch and listen live on www.latalklive.com and  www.ustream.tv/channel/la-talk-live starting at 1:00 PST.   Together they founded Share Hope USA www.sharehopeusa.com Here is a quote about what they believe in: “We believe that the opportunity of being…

How Euphoric, A Statement, Not A Question.

I’m part of a terrific group of people that come together every Wednesday from 11-12 not too far from my house.  We are Toastmasters, Speakers By The Sea. http://www.meetup.com/TOASTMASTERS-Speakers-by-the-Sea-Club/ When my friend first introduced me to Toastmasters last year, I thought I knew what this organization was all about.  My preconceived notion was that if…

What Does It Mean To Be A Guide Dog?

I have had a remarkable experience this past year as I watch my friend Kathi raise a puppy for Guide Dogs of America (GDA).  If you are anything like me, you may not have much knowledge or experience regarding how a puppy goes from a squirmy bundle of paws and jaws to a well-trained, confident…