Allen Franz

Allen Franz is a volunteer member and Exec. VP for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy.

Tune into my Born To Talk radio show starting at 1:00 PT on Monday, March 20, 2017 on or for your listening and viewing pleasure.

Do you know what a land conservancy can provide to the public? This is what this show will be all about.  The beauty of nature is important to me and to Allen, and it needs to be protected and appreciated.

Not only are students provided an opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna, but there are regularly scheduled nature walks along with events for families and even a full moon hike!

If you have followed me on my blogs and social media, then you’ll know how much I enjoy birds. This is an ideal way to appreciate the local birds.Sit back and relax. I think you’ll enjoy this show and then go out and discover where land conservancies are available where you live.  Nature is such a wonderful gift.

Conversations + Connections = Community