Catherine Sherlock

Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, February 15th from 1-2 PT is Catherine Sherlock. 

Let’s Meet Catherine.

Catherine has a Master’s in Environmental Studies. She has served the business sector, all levels of government, non-profits, and other agencies as a coach, consultant, facilitator, and trainer.

Catherine is also the Founder of Higher Mindfulness.  How does Higher Mindfulness play a role on the edge of human potential by elevating lives and leadership?

Higher Mindfulness.  Elevating the Leadership Conversation.

Their Mission:  “Higher Mindfulness is for leaders who want to function from potential and possibility so they can enjoy a richer quality of living and working.”

To begin with, lots of people have been working on self-development for a while but it hasn’t been as liberating as they’d like.  Or they feel there’s still a radical possibility that they haven’t tapped into.  Catherine helps people change inner struggle to peace.   Moving from overwhelm to empowerment, and therefore connecting with their capacities and potential. That opens the door to profound transformations in the way we look at and live in the world.  Therefore, she helps people by helping them through insights and paradigm shifts.  The results, upending the norms of our times and expanding and transforming minds.

What will we be exploring together?

As an example, Catherine will be sharing her expertise on the following questions:

Why does she think leadership development is broken?

What is the connection between leadership and consciousness and why does she think it’s an important thing for us to be talking about?

Why does Catherine think leaders unconsciously fear power?


Those are just a few of the questions we will be talking about.  

Tune in to hear more!

Conversations + Connections = Community

Making the world a better place.  One Story at a time.

What’s Your Story?  I want to share it.

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