Cindy Carrillo

Thank you Cindy Carrillo for joining me on The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Meet Cindy Carrillo.

Cindy Carrillo is a Business & Life Coach, an Author, an Advisor and a Ranch Girl.  Cindy has her Masters Degree in Social Work.  She has more than 45 years of business and non-profit leadership experience, and Coaches business leaders throughout the country.  After more than twenty years as the Founder and CEO of a business she built into a successful nation-wide company, Cindy chose to sell her business and move onto the next phase of her life.  That next phase ended up transforming herself from a Business Leader, wearing suits and high heels.  And, designing a new life on a 35 acre ranch, wearing denim and boots, in rural Colorado.

Not only did Cindy make this major change in her life – but she also wrote a book about it called Finding Your Nxt. When You’re Ready For The Life You Really Want.  Cindy tells the story of her becoming a rancher, and the lessons learned along the way, that others can use as they discover their own Nxt.  In recent years Cindy has added a unique and personalized two and a half day onsite Coaching Immersion program at her Ranch in Colorado, for individual clients to help them Find their Nxt.Finding Your NxT.



Are you ready for a change, and not just a little change, but a big one? Cindy understands that the process of finding your Nxt is not the same for everyone.  There are several concepts and actionable next steps that she has distilled and defined based on her experiences that she has outlined in her book.    In her book she will be sharing her Nxt as a “rinse and repeat” process that can can be applied over and over as you move from one Nxt to another.   She suggests that we think of all parts of our lives as ingredients that can be blended to make a delicious life. Therefore, don’t be afraid to blend different ingredients at different times of our lives to best serve us at each stage.

Cindy’s Takeaways.

Finding Your Nxt is a lifelong process.  You’re never done—at least you shouldn’t be—because every stage in your life is an opportunity to make a Nxt chapter.  And each Nxt can be a transformational change that involves something new, something exciting and something opportunistic.”

In Closing.

Cindy understands that process of finding your Nxt is not the same for everyone. She isn’t suggesting that everyone totally transform themselves the way she did.  But there are several concepts and actionable next steps that she has distilled and defined base on he experiences that she outlines in her book.  Perhaps they can be applied to you if you’re trying to answer the question:  “What’s Nxt for me?”

Are you ready to find your NxT?

Tune in to hear story!

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