Gloria Hass will be my guest on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on July 17th, 1-2 PT.
Meet Gloria.
Gloria Hass is a natural-born clairvoyant with psychic and mediumistic abilities. She is also a Remote Viewing Healer and has used this healing technique for over 20 years. Gloria uses a holistic and gentle approach with her clients. She wants to make sure everyone receives the same quality of care. With remote viewing healing, at times Gloria is able to visualize, through a telepathic vision, what illness or disease someone has or may have. There are times when Gloria “hears” telepathically what someone may have such as cancer, benign tumors, etc.
During her healing sessions, Gloria will let her client know what she is doing/seeing/hearing and at times lead her clients on a guided healing meditation. Because Gloria wants everyone to live a better and healthier life, she writes blog articles regarding physical and mental health.
Here is a great example of Health tips from Gloria: “Is life or work getting to you? Either take a vacation or sick day for mental health today. Do something that relaxes you and is fun. You can also do nothing that day too.”
You can read Gloria’s blog articles on the link.
Up Coming:
Gloria is part of an exciting Healing Conference this October 14th. You can email her directly at [email protected] to register for free on Zoom. It is limited to 100 people. Don’t hesitate if you would like to participate.
In closing.
With a focus on health and wellness, Gloria seeks to find balance in her life and work.
Join us to hear more about why Gloria loves what she does.
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