Jessica Lizel Cannon

Thank you, Jessica Lizel Cannon, for joining me on The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Jessica Lizel Cannon.

To begin with, Jessica is a Certified Dementia Practitioner and Author of The Proactive Caregiver. Stop Reacting to Life Start Living Proactively.”

As a Caregiver Advocate, Jessica teaches caregivers how to protect their health and well-being. While at the same time, creating a cultural shift toward the worldview of preventing dementia.  Did you know that dementia is the 6th leading cause of death in America? You cannot take care of your loved one if you cannot take care of yourself. As a result, because of Jessica’s years of experience, she is sharing how you can navigate these uncertain times.

Helpful information, in preparing as a caregiver, the following documents need to be notarized:

  • Medical Power of Attorney
  • Statutory Durable Power of Attorney
  • HIPAA Authorization
  • Advance Directive
  • Declaration of Guardianship

All of this information is included in her book located on her website.


The Proactive Caregiver book will inform, educate, and encourage you to embrace the emotional challenges by allowing personal growth to transform and enrich your life. When your loved ones begin to lose time and memories or become combative, you must be prepared to step into their world with non-threatening and graceful manners. Your relationship with your loved one may prevent this from happening.

Jessica’s Takeaways.

“Many do not consider themselves caregivers due to their relationship or connection with their loved ones. The reality is caregiving begins with self-care and extends to those we love or are responsible for daily. The realization creates unwanted challenges, broken expectations, and situational depression. Learning to be proactive takes time and effort, but with an open mind, it is doable. Awareness leads to an appreciation that self-care is not selfish – it’s necessary.”

“Starting small and building on self-care regimens to keep it simple will also help to see the challenges as lessons in disguise that can reduce the shock and stress as life changes beyond our control or expectations. Our body and mind are gifts we tend to forget to treat as such. The difference in knowing what to do is acknowledging that every little detail matters.”

In Closing.

Above all, if you have a loved one struggling with dementia, perhaps this podcast will provide you with just the support you need to care for yourself as well.

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