I’m finding an additional voice through photography on this journey in the Blog World. So many people write blogs today, you name it, from Politics and Economics to Mommies and Medicine.
I don’t seem to land in those categories, it appears based on my photos that I have landed somewhere else with my new friend, Mother Nature. It sure wasn’t a planned trip, like many things in life…stuff happens.
Like that song, Me and My Shadow, strolling down the avenue at 6:00AM.I now find myself looking at life through a lens.
I officially use 2 cameras. I know my future is going to include one of those big honking cameras where you need a Sherpa to lug it around; it’s just a matter of time.
On this edition, I thought I would share some of my favorite shots between my yard and also from just a few short blocks away at LMU and the Playa Vista ponds.
The ever present, shrieking Scrub Jay, ready for his close up.Please take a bow.
There are more Mourning Doves in my yard feeding than any other birds combined. They are the seed hogs!
But sometimes they just pose in hopes of making it to the blog, obviously.
It is not always a bird that grabs my eye. A peeling eucalyptus tree is equally interesting.
I do enjoy these birds of a feather; I think they do flock together. Perhaps they are having a religious experience since these were taken next to Sacred Heart Chapel on the LMU campus. Phoebe and I are on a first name basis now.
If momma was really going to buy baby a Mockingbird, I think she should choose this one, what do you think? This Mockingbird does sing, guess there goes the diamond ring.
I would be remiss if I didn’t show you Sylvia’s lovely swishy tail!
In case you ever want to be a fly on the wall…
Or wonder if you’d like to walk around on these feet…
Let me assure you, these have got to be more comfortable than that coot’s!
Oh think twice, it’s another day for you and me in Paradise!!