Shannon Addison

Thank you, Shannon Addison, for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.  Shannon is the Owner/Creator of My  Crumby World.

Shannon Addison.

Shannon’s first story idea came from personal experience. While having lunch with her daughter at her school.   She observed the interaction between girls at the next table and how easily and quietly they were able to manipulate and bully girls without being noticed. This mean behavior was both troubling and familiar to Shannon.   It gave her pause to reflect on her own experiences at that age and how little has changed with how some young girls treat each other.  In fact, with today’s access to cell phones and social media, it provides them more capable tools to be able to inflict such behavior.

It became a mission for Shannon to be able to prepare girls for this type of conflicts and encounters and to help them learn how to better navigate them.  By doing so, they build better communication with their parents and their peers.

Book 2.

Coming soon! This is Shannon’s second book in the Breadcrumbz Presents collection.

My Crumby Guide to Baking and Friendship Making aims to fill this gap by promoting opportunities to bond via baking, stories, and activities. Not only will you experience the difficulties perceived in friendships through the eyes of the Crumbz, but you will also be provided with insightful questions to help guide your child through their own struggles.


By visiting Shannon’s website you can sign up for an exclusive opportunity to get the book BEFORE it is available for sale.This is a great resource for parents, teachers, and guidance counselors as well.

Shannon’s Takeaways.

“The key takeaways from our podcast will be:

The importance of building a strong connection with your children at a young age and how it will benefit them (and you) down the road.

How to build this kind of connection and where to do it.

Why did I choose “baking” as a hook to launch these kinds of conversations, and what is the significance?”

In Closing.

Shannon hopes that her books’ stories, activities, and journaling enable young girls to deal with friendship, feelings, conflicts, and failures and empowers them in the process. Her aim is to have young readers relate to the characters in her stories and their flaws and differences.  In doing so be more accepting of themselves and others. Therefore,  finding their true inner strength, their kindness, and their generosity of spirit.

Thank you, once again Shannon for sharing these important stories that will make a differene for so many families.

Conversations + Connections = Community

Making the world a better place.  One Story at a time. 

What’s Your Story? I want to share it!

 [email protected]