I’ve come to truly appreciate my brother. He’s my confidant, my cheerleader and my constant supporter. We are just 20 months apart. Yes, I am the older sister.
We’ve shared the happiest of happy times and also the saddest of sad times. Both of us have lost our spouses. I am happy to say that he has been able to love again and is happily remarried.
Larry has always been the artistic one. He taught middle school art until he retired a few years ago. Our dad was artistic. Larry inherited some of his talent. What we share together is photography. We are both amateurs. He has the “grown up” camera and I don’t. Either way, when we have the time, as we did this week, we grabbed our cameras and took a walk!
Playa Vista is a surging community; known now as Silicon Beach. There are many high tech companies moving in, where Hughes Aircraft Headquarters used to be. My husband was hired out of college in 1969 to work there. Now, it’s much like a concrete jungle. Having said that; they have done a very nice job of adding green space and water features that attract water fowl. It’s one of my favorite places to decompress.
As we started our walk, the first group of birds we came upon was the coots. They make a distinctive clicking sound.But, it’s their feet that “quack” me up!
The male mallard is so stunning.
I’m sure he thinks his girlfriend is also beautiful. I think she’s smiling!
The Snowy Egret is a stand alone.
Much like me, it appears he has something to say!
Maybe he was simply announcing the arrival of the Green Heron standing by himself. I sure didn’t miss him, even as he stood on one leg pretending to be a flamingo.
Not only are the birds enjoyable but so are the blooming catcus. Look closely and you’ll see the bees.
As I mentioned, there are lots of buildings and construction surrounding this picturesque setting. Two jobs I would avoid.
Thanks Larry, we had a good time! Now it’s time to say good bye.