As we enter the holiday season it provides an opportunity to reflect on the year and appreciate the future, through traditions. Thanksgiving 1969 was when my parents met my future husband for the first time. Moments like that are hard to forget. But I sure don’t remember what we ate. I wasn’t a huge fan…
Fifty Years Ago Today
Fifty years ago today, our world stood still as we mourned the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Those of us old enough to remember back to those days know exactly where we were when the news was broadcasted. I was in the 9th grade at Airport Junior High School. I remember being in Ms….
Are You a Driver or a Passenger?
Most of us fit more comfortably in the car as the driver or the passenger. I can remember how important it was to get a driver’s license in high school. Many of my friends started driving the day they turned 16. That Drivers Ed. class was the all important component to a reduce car insurance…