Charles Montorio-Archer

Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on January 10th, from 1-2 PT is Dr. Charles Montorio-Archer, President and CEO of One Hope United.  He is also the author of an international bestseller, Everybody Paddles.

Dr. Charles Montorio-Archer.

To begin with, here is a glimpse of Charles’ background and the many hats he wears.  He is a lawyer, author, adviser, entrepreneur, researcher, and TEDx speaker. Charles is also the co-founder and former CEO of The THRIVE Network.  Charles has a Master’s degree in Public Administration and a Ph.D. in Public Policy. He has an enthusiasm for advocacy, community development, business sustainability, and policy reform.   In 2019, Charles became the President/CEO of One Hope United.  Charles has successfully maneuvered the delicate balance between dedication to mission, the need for bold entrepreneurial initiatives, and the application of sound business management. Now he brings this tenacity to a broader agenda that integrates ideals, leadership, governance, and policy.

One Hope United.

Founded in 1895, One Hope United is a multistate nonprofit that helps children and families build the skills to live life without limits.  Charles, along with his staff of nearly 800, serves over 10,000 children and families each year. They do this through education centers, child and family services, counseling, and residential programs. Their evidence-based and trauma-informed practices, empower children and families to see and create a future. This is regardless of their past so they can reach their full potential.

Their Mission: “One Hope United increases opportunities for children and families by providing quality solutions that enhance lives, communities, and the future.”

Their Vision:  “For Every Child and Family, Life Without Limits.”

Author of Everybody Paddles.

Recently, Charles released his third edition of  Everybody Paddles: A Leaders Blueprint for Creating A Unified Team. Charles provides a management model focused on reaching strategic alignment and accelerating organizational change through respect, collaboration, and leadershipUsed by companies in the United States and abroad, his comprehensive program, Everybody Paddles, is a management model focused on reaching strategic alignment and accelerating change through respect and collaboration.

The Everybody Paddles principles provide an outline for successfully building company consensus and developing effective behavioral dynamics within an organization. Additionally, the principles are important problem-solving tools that provide techniques for solving interpersonal issues within an organization and how to remedy nonproductive dysfunctional patterns.

In closing.

Charles has more than 30 years of experience leading organizations. He is able to couple that passion for humanity as the President/CEO of One Hope United and also provide the leadership skills for others to build a unified team in their organizations.

“Things happen when everybody paddles at the same time, in the same direction, and toward the same goal.”

Tune in to hear this dynamic man’s story.


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