Katie Rampen

Katie Rampen will be my special guest on The Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, October 2nd from 1-2 PT.

Meet Katie.

Katie Rampen is a two-time breast cancer “thriver,” mother, and Breast Cancer Recovery Advocate. She helps women navigate a breast cancer diagnosis, advocate for themselves, and avoid recurrence. Her mission is to enlighten, empower, and encourage women to lead a healthy life free from disease.

Despite living what she thought was a healthy lifestyle, in 2012 Katie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Not knowing anything about cancer, she trusted the medical establishment to cure her and teach her how to prevent a recurrence.

After realizing her doctors did not have the answers she sought, Katie spent the next 6 years researching cancer and health in general. She discovered a lot of eye-opening, little-known information that made her realize we each need – herself included – to start taking greater responsibility for our health, thus she founded Katie’s Healthy Families and became a Wellness Empowerment Coach in 2018.

Katie followed her doctors’ recommendations to have a double mastectomy and years of drug therapy so that she would never have breast cancer again. However, in March of 2020 Katie was diagnosed with another breast cancer. She then founded Kicking Breast Cancer with Katie to work side by side with women to overcome this disease and prevent it from recurring in the future. 

Breast Health Awareness Month.

Katie realized that during her first healing journey she left out several of her 7 Simple Steps to a Healthier You which she teaches in her Breast Health Empowerment Membership support group.  She also has a Breast Health Empowerment Circle online course, and provides private coaching, as well. To truly heal and thrive you must address the whole person: body, mind and spirit.

Links to Katie’s social media, masterclasses, podcasts and resources can be found here.

In closing.

We all know someone that either has had breast cancer or knows someone that has.  My mother lost her life to breast cancer in 1989.  Thanks to the advancement in medicine, things have improved greatly since that time.

Katie will be sharing her story of courage and reslience.

Enlightment Empowerment Encouragement


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Making the world a better place.  One Story at a time.


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