Join me for another episode of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, October 1st from 1-2PT with my special guest Author Lory Britain.
Lory and I have known each other since our days at Westchester High School, many many years ago. Lory was a leader then and continues to lead the way as she advocates for children. She has a PH.D. in Early Childcare Development from the University of Oregon.
She is the author of many children’s picture books, including the internationally acclaimed classic, “It’s MY Body: A book to help teach young children to resist uncomfortable touch” (as Lory Freeman) and recently, MY Body MY Voice MY Power: A Coloring Journal for Girls. Her books have been helping and bringing joy to young children for over thirty years, featuring her own illustrations since 2011.
Lory has over 35 years of highly regarded expertise helping children, teachers, families and other adults who value children. This experience includes teaching and inspiring teachers and university students and replicating therapeutic child and family programs (Relief Nurseries) around Oregon and as far away as Ukraine, writing children’s books that help keep children safe and express their feelings (It’s MY Body, Loving Touches, My Grandma Died and Move..I Can’t See! ) co-authoring The Young Child as Scientist: A constructivist approach to early childhood science with Christine Chaillé. In 2009, she was honored with the Bertha Holt Award for Service to Homeless Children by Holt International.
Lory delights in encouraging children and adults to share tender and meaningful moments together through my books and pictures and supporting children to tell their own stories.” Watch for her upcoming book (Spring 2019): I’M Happy Sad Today: Making Sense of Mixed Together Feelings (Free Spirit Publishers).
Those of us that have known Lory all these years are so proud of her accomplishments and calling her our friend. Please join us and tell your friends.
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