Malcolm Lesavoy and Cliff Meidl

Joining me on February 5th from 1-2 PT on The Born To Talk Radio Show  is Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy and Cliff Meidl.

Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy.

Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy is a highly respected American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) certified Plastic Surgeon and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at UCLA Medial Center. He is the former Chief of Plastic Surgery at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.  Dr. Lesavoy has received numerous awards, including the most prestigious American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Clinician of the Year Award.

Malcolm is currently in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA and remains a Clinical Professor at UCLA’s School of Medicine.





Cliff Meidl.

Cliff Meidl is a retired American sprint kayaker, now motivational speaker who regularly speaks on the need for on-the-job safety procedures. He competed in 1000 m kayak events, at the 1996 and 2000 Summer Olympics. Cliff was honored as the U.S. flag bearer at the 2000 Summer Olympics. This would not have been possible without the plastic and reconstructive surgery performed by Dr. Leasvoy. He will be sharing his horrific injury on a job site, that nearly cost him his life.

Here’s what happened. In 1986, while working on a construction site, Cliff jackhammered into three buried power lines and received a massive electrical shock. This sent approximately 30,000 volts of electricity through his body. The severe shock stopped his heart. He was revived by fast-acting firefighters and first responders.  They were the first of many to save his life. The accident disintegrated most of Cliff’s functional knee bones, muscles in both legs, and severely burned his back, head, and feet.

His local doctors had scheduled him for bi-lateral above-knee amputations. The night before his scheduled amputations, Cliff’s mother had learned of a plastic and reconstructive surgeon named Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy. He had been performing radically-innovative surgical procedures.  She immediately reached out to him. Dr. Lesavoy visited Cliff and agreed to transfer him to UCLA where he performed limb preservation surgery and changed Cliff’s life forever.

In closing.

The show blends how Dr. Lesavoy changed the course of Cliff’s life and how they continue to be long time friends for decades.

This is a story you are going to want to hear!!

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