Kristen Thomasino

Thank you Kristen Thomasino for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Kristen Thomasino.

To begin with, Kristen is a Data Scientist and so much more!   She is the founder of Thomasino Media LLC & Buddytown Consulting, LLC. In addition to her businesses, she is also an accomplished author.


Kristen has written 20 books. Most recently she published her True Story: Discipline Rigor & Accountability. This is her story of how Fibromyalgia after falling down 15 feet of stairs affected her life.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain.  It is accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues. Researchers believe that Fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations. It is coupled by affecting how your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals.

Kristen focuses on her physical recovery and her phenomenal progress. As an example, she includes journal entries and her 5 keys for transformation.  Also, she includes her physical, mental, and spiritual program learnings, and more.

And here is the good news, Kristen has successfully rehabilitated from severe Fibromyalgia with severe Brain Fog, and full body weakness. She flipped her positive Autoimmune Disease Markers to negative.

Kristen’s Takeaways.

“My story is to have people consider applying a Data Scientist approach to their own lives.  I had to track and figure out why I was experiencing the symptoms and my performance.  When I employed a mindset of being Data oriented along with taking action and learning from lots of other cases and teachers, I finally got the results I desired. I had to be consistent as well once I figured out something new that aided my reduction of suffering.”

In Closing.

Kristen, in addition to everything she does, is always developing new platforms. Next, is an upcoming documentary series, Time Traveling, with Thomasino. It will be about her adventures in healing. Visit her website for the release date.

Lastly, Kristen’s story is an inspiration in a don’t give up and a can-do attitude, she’s a fighter!

Thank you for sharing your story, Kristen. 


Conversations + Connections = Community

Making the world a better place.  One Story at a time. 

What’s Your Story? I want to share it!

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