What is the slogan, Carpe Diem? Sometimes I have to just seize the opportunity to take my camera for a walk! These photos are taken in Playa Del Rey, a beach town neighbor of mine. Along…
Born To Talk Radio Show |
What’s New?
Sometimes the best medicine for a stressful day is just grabing the camera and heading outdoors! Fortunately for me, I don’t have to go very far to find something interesting that catches my eye! There is…
Looking Back at Grandma’s House
I was having a phone conversation with my cousin Brent, yesterday. He lives a few hours away from me and we don’t see each other as often as we’d like. My father was one of 11…
Taking a Labor Day Break
As I think about Labor Day, I reflect what it stood for in my time pages of life. I can remember thinking about how sad I was when summer vacation was over and it was time…
The Birds Have It
One of my greatest joys is grabbing my camera and then waiting for it! I hear the humming and know their path between the bottle brush and the fountain.A little closer.And now you can see why…
Charity Event
When was the last time you went to a Charity Event, where the photographers were taking pictures of you as if you were a VIP? Well, until last night I hadn’t had that experience either. Turns…
Beautiful Day
By now you know that this once, three times a week blog has landed safely and comfortably on a Sunday evening. Why, because I have this incredible opportunity to take my written voice and parlay it…
How Euphoric, A Statement, Not A Question.
I’m part of a terrific group of people that come together every Wednesday from 11-12 not too far from my house. We are Toastmasters, Speakers By The Sea. http://www.meetup.com/TOASTMASTERS-Speakers-by-the-Sea-Club/ When my friend first introduced me to…
I’m always trying to mix it up a little. I’m unable to embed a YouTube video; therefore it will have to be in the post description. I am my own Juke Box Hero…the songs continue throughout…
Wouldn’t You Like To Get Away?
“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn’t you like to get away?” I can’t think of an opening theme…