Why do I do the things I do? I have examined my life lately and blogging has certainly played a huge role in this process. Let’s face it; I am “exposing” myself to the public. The…

Born To Talk Radio Show |
Lost But Not Forgotten
The theme this week has been about friendships; one featured a friend for over 50 years followed by recent friendships that developed while away from home. Today I want to honor the loss of three different…
Make New Friends…But Keep The Old
That’s right my Girl Scout sisters!! I want to feature just two of my newer friends, with the permission they granted me. David and I met at the Inn on Newfound Lake in October 2011. I…
Two Four Six Eight…Who Do You Appreciate?
I’m sure you have been to the mall, visited with Amazon, decked your halls, and started your diet. Wait, no that’s not for another few weeks, whew!!! I appreciate my family and friends. Actually, they are…
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About
I’m looking at you, are you looking at me? Now what? I have no idea. I wonder how long Jay Leno’s writing team spends on his opening monologue. I have hit the delete and backspace button…
I See, I feel, I Hear…Don’t Picture Those Cute Little Monkeys!
I get the question all the time, as I hand an unsuspecting friend or total stranger my business card…What are you going to write about? My business card says it all…Born to Talk. As it turns…
Leaves And More Leaves
It’s been a little chilly these past few days as we venture out on our walk. Hoods are now up to brace against the 43 degrees, stop it…that feels cold to us. Let me remind you,…
The Westchester Family YMCA
Monday began the beginning of the Christmas Wreath sales at the Westchester Family YMCA where I belong and worked for 10 years. I am a member of the Y’s Service Club. Many of these wonderful members…
A Dog and His Man
I hear music in my head, do you? The song that comes to mind was from Jackie DeShannon… 1969… Think of your fellow man; lend him a helping hand, put a little love in your heart….
The Day After Thanksgiving
How ya feeling today? If you were the host for dinner last night, are your dishes washed and put away? If you were the guest, did you get lucky and score some leftovers? It’s funny to…