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The Coopers Hawk Has Something To Say

While I am enjoying the over abundance of pictures from a three week vacation and trying to remember exactly why I took them and where I was, I had to take a short side trip right in my own backyard.

It’s funny the things you miss while you’re gone and also those things that you could care less about.  It seems to take longer and longer each time I return from an extended trip. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the other side of the world or on the east coast.  Anyway you slice it; it takes a while to get re-acclimated.

I have a great pre-teen that takes care of feeding the assorted birds and squirrels while I’m gone. They count on their morning bird seed and peanuts.

I noticed that the seed was not gone completely after the typical morning feeding session the past few days.  That’s when it became apparent the reason why.

There is a new sheriff in town and it has changed things dramatically.

I know blogs should have a story to tell, but in this case, I think I will just caption these pictures and let them do the talking.

Here is the disclaimer, in case you were wondering just where I was standing when I was taking these pictures.  Believe it or not, all of them were taken through the glass window panes in my sliding glass door in the kitchen.  I had bounce back reflections that I was dealing with but this show-off seemed to enjoy the photo shoot and remained perched for about 15 minutes.

If I thought he would have just totally cooperated, I would have opened the door, but alas, I had to settle, but I sure was excited with the results.  Hope you like them as well.

This is how it started…

Face right

Now left

Eyes forward

I have a question…

Yes…I believe you have the answer.

Do you think I’m scary?

Is it because I am standing at attention?

Look into my eyes, I couldn’t hurt a fly.

Okay, perhaps I need a manicure; it’s not easy tending to these talons.

I’ll be back.  This lady is providing me a feeding station.

And so it goes, for my side trip…