The title of this blog probably comes as surprise to you, as you must know by now; quiet is not my favorite form of communication. Quite the opposite. I have notes to bolster my confidence; i.e….

Born To Talk Radio Show |
Sunday Chores!
Are you organized? Do you set goals and then measure them? How ya doing with that? I’ve always liked the idea of getting organized on Sunday. Since Monday, is trash pick-up, Sunday is the day to…
Leaves and Music…Mixed In With Rain Drops
Often times I get my inspiration for these blogs from music. Now that I have pretty much covered a 3 week New England adventure, it’s time to write about my regular life while I am home….
Hanging With Wilda and Al
Can you ever have too many friends? I didn’t think so either. I have friends from all over the country and world actually. It’s remarkable, especially since I’ve lived in the same community with a little…
Finishing Up Fall in New Hampshire Part 1
It’s hard for me to believe that just 6 short weeks ago, I was appreciating all of the fall colors and now that same place had more than a foot of snow yesterday; just in time…
Dear Diary, Meet Blog Buddy’s and Twitter Topics
How did it happen? One moment you are pouring your heart out in your diary and the next minute you are sharing your secrets with the world and strangers to boot! I started looking for my…
Let My Pictures Do The Talking
Do you remember the ad from long ago, before cell phones and Google, “Let your fingers do the walking?” It was an ad for the Yellow Pages, how else would you find a phone number for…
New Hampshire…My Happy Place
You can’t go to the Inn on Newfound Lake, and not take the drive to Polly’s Pancake House in Sugar Hill. It’s about 45 minutes of gorgeous scenery with the prize of eating a great breakfast….
New Hampshire And Maine
The journey continues as the four amigas finish up the last leg of our 10 day New England vacation in New Hampshire. We’re staying at my friends Inn on Newfound Lake. I’ve been posting pictures of…
Malibu, it’s Not Just a Beach
Having family visit from back east is a great opportunity to once again, be a tourist, this time in a city not far from my home. Malibu Beach is just up the road about 45 minutes, depending…