Running On Empty

You know the commercial, What’s in Your Wallet?” Like many brands, that want your attention, they have attracted notable stars; Alec Baldwin, Samuel L. Jackson and now Jennifer Garner. It hasn’t made me personally sign up for a card, but I do notice the clever way they entice you into considering the product they’re promoting.

In some ways, I suppose I am doing the same thing. The product is not the same and the notable star seems to be missing from the equation as well.

However, in some aspects I am promoting a part of myself to you. It is exciting and daunting in the social media world. Thanks to your support, the Born To Talk blog is doing well.

I also use Twitter. What you may not know, not everyone uses Twitter to share their every waking moment or opinion. Rather, I am connected with like minded people all over the world that share a common interest; photography. Instead of conversation, the people I follow and those that follow me enjoy this planet through the eyes of a lens in 140 characters or less.

The photos; which I used to call pictures, are inspiring on so many levels. Nature, landscape, travel and food are just general areas of interest. What I find extraordinary are the professional and amateur photographers of birds from around the world.

My point about Running on Empty struck me today as I was driving from one appointment to another. I had plenty of gasoline, I plan ahead, it was more about how tired I felt from a week jammed full of fun activities. Perhaps you may remember, or this may be new to you, I was offered some advice after my husband passed away nearly 6 years ago.

The advice was simple…Never Say No To An Invitation. I know what you’re thinking; “come on” everything can’t always be a yes. That’s true, but I do consider each invitation and also do the inviting from time to time as well.

Since my “tank” has felt a little empty today, I was considering what I do to refuel. I wonder what you do, when you are Running on Empty.

These are the opening lyrics to Running on Empty by Jackson Browne.

Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels
Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields
In sixty-five I was seventeen and running up 101
I don’t know where I’m running now, I’m just running on

Running on, running on empty
Running on, running blind
Running on, running into the sun
But I’m running behind

Here is the irony, since this seems to be about me sharing my day. As I was putting the last sentence together yesterday, my phone rang. It was my dentist office; I was late for my appointment that I had totally forgotten about. I wasn’t kidding when I said my tank was empty! Luckily the office is close and I was forgiven for being tardy!

When I feel this tired, I realize instantly what refuels me. It’s outdoors. In the early morning air, at 6:00 am I am reminded of the natural beauty, even in a large suburban city like Los Angeles. It’s simple, it’s calm, it’s rejuvenating and it is also a special time with my 2 friends while we walk and talk on the campus of LMU. That alone fills the tank more than half way.

The sunrise at Loyola Marymount University.

The elegance of a flower.The beauty of a butterfly. The full moon in the morning as it finishes its night shift. Turn to the left, turn to the right and finish in the center!

The tank continues to fill as I look at the clouds and jet stream.And that’s when I realize that X does mark the spot.

I am no longer Running On Empty.

My life tank is full once again.