Robin and Stella Mountain

Thank you, Robin and Stella Mountain for joining me again on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast.

Robin and Stella.

Robin and Stella are native South Africans and now are U.S. Citizens, living in Louisville, Kentucky.  They moved to the U.S. in July 1999 to continue their Beekeeping business.  As that business continued to grow, they met other beekeepers.  It was that connection, that prompted Robin to invite a group of them to travel to South Africa with him.  That’s when he knew, this could turn into a business, because of his deep passion and roots in South Africa.

Ntaba African Safaris.

As owners of Ntaba African Safaris, Robin and Stella have intimate, current knowledge of the southern and east African countries you will visit.  Their services provide every element and aspect of your itinerary, from lodges to airlines to tour guides. They speak the languages, and are passionate about Africa and sharing this beautiful place with you. As your hosts, taking you to Africa ensures you that it will seep into your soul.




When you visit their beautiful website, you will see for yourself the endless possibilities. Check out their SafarisI had the opportunity of a lifetime to do this with my friend. Look at these beautiful photos.  Robin also mentioned taking a tour group trekking with the gorillas, recently.

Ntaba Coffee Haus.

Besides their travel business, Robin and Stella have opened a new enterprise. Ntaba Coffee Haus. their South African and German heritage is reflected in the spelling of their business.  After visiting coffee farms in Ethiopia and meeting the people who had farms, that was all it took.  Robin knew he wanted to support the people who picked the coffee and grew the beans.   They have a Ntaba Coffee Club, that will deliver directly to your home.  Each cup of coffee contributes to a child being able to attend school in East Africa.


All of these initiatives are working tirelessly to better the lives of African children, men, and women. These are 3 initiatives that Robin and Stella support:

Zabra This is a freeBra initiative founded by Janet Kruger, in London.  They are an international volunteer network.  Their mission is to collect pre-owned and new bras and distribute them to women who can’t afford their own. Robin and Stella have graciously offered our listeners an opportunity to send those items to them directly. Please email them at for more information. There is also a Facebook page as well.

Original T-bag Designs.  This is another amazing story. Jill Heyes initiated this business to help people in local townships find employment. They collect dried, tea bags and turn them into art.  I was able to visit their location, thanks to the tour Robin and Stella put together for us. This entire piece of art is made from tea bags.

Yet another organization that Robin and Stella support is Acts4Rwanda

As you can see in this blog and will hear in their voices, they are a dynamite couple that has a passion for everything they do.  In closing, if you have a bucket list, I can recommend from experience that going to Africa will stay with you forever.

Robin and Stella’s Takeaways.

Here is what you can expect to hear when listening to our podcast.  You will learn firsthand about what makes Ntaba Safaris so memorable.

Robin and Stella will take you on a journey to Africa while giving you a glimpse of an awesome inspiring adventure that awaits you if you scale the mountain.  Once you hear about the adventure that awaits you, it will stir a desire within you to take in the African landscape while sipping on a delicious cup of coffee from Ntaba Coffee Haus.

 “We cannot wait to share our love and the magic of Africa with you!!”

And, I can’t wait to go back!


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