Scott and Becca Goodman

I’d like to introduce you to Becca and Scott Goodman.They will be my guests on The Born To Talk Radio Show heard live on or Monday, October 3, 2016 from 1-2 PT. If you miss the live broadcast, that’s not a problem.  It will be archived and ready for your listening and viewing pleasure later in the afternoon.

This dynamic couple are artisans with a passion for making a unique product. Imagine back in the pioneer days, when craftsmen made saddles or blacksmith’s made iron shoe horns for their horses. They needed tools, inspiration and desire to meet the needs of their lives.

Fast forward to today and hear how they work with leather to create beautifully crafted handmade products.

Scott and Becca are the owners of Headlands Quality Goods.What prompts their interest?  Where do you learn these skills?  How important is handmade?  These are just of the few things we will be talking about.

Not only will you have the opportunity to watch and listen to the show, we are adding a new dimension.  There will be a short video shot inside their store as Becca and Scott show us how a wallet can be constructed from design to the finish product. You will also hear how the Vernon wallet got its name.

It’s not often that I have the opportunity to hear about a couple that shares a marriage partnership along with a business partnership. They took a hobby and have turned into a business.

Let’s explore their personal style together because they have a vibrant lifestyle that includes Scott’s full time employment as a Landscape Architect and Becca’s daily job including being a nanny and working for a financial planner and much more.

They are a fun couple that loves what they do.  I’m excited to share a conversation with them, pull up a chair and join us…because I was Born To Talk.