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  • Author: Marsha Wietecha

Peggy Lanum

Thank you Peggy Lanum for joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. To begin with, Peggy has a Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology and is a certified Human Resource Professional.  Her company, Better Working Together, LLC consults with companies nationally.  Since the pandemic, she is hearing recurring comments that we are not okay….

Peggy Lanum

Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on August 1st from 1-2 PT is Peggy Lanum. Let’s meet Peggy. To begin with, Peggy is the owner of Better Working Together, LLC. She has a Master of Science degree in Organizational Psychology and is certified in a number of popular and effective assessments. …

Gloria Hass

Joining me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on June 27th, from 1-2 PT is Gloria Hass. Gloria. Gloria has self-published over 20 books covering both fiction and non-fiction and is an Amazon International Bestselling and Award-Winning Author. Being a Forensic Visionary has always been second nature to Gloria. When she was younger,…