Jennie Lee

Join me on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, September 7th 1-2 PT with my guest, Jennie Lee

Let’s meet Jennie Lee.

Jennie is an Award-Winning Author, Yoga Therapist, and Spiritual Coach. For the last two decades, Jennie has counseled people seeking greater self-understanding. She helps them navigate experiences such as depression, grief, and stress. Now she brings her practice home to readers everywhere. Her questions promote profound thought, connection, and authenticity.

Spark Change: 108 Provocative Questions For Spiritual Evolution

It’s been said that finding the right question is as important as finding its answer. As Jennie writes, “Quality questions lead to quality answers. Questions promote deeper thought, connection, and authenticity.” In Spark Change, Jennie shows us how to identify our most important personal questions and explore how they might redefine the trajectory of our lives.

Are you ready to embrace change?  With all that is going on today in our world, how are you managing? Change isn’t easy for most of us. We get stuck and don’t know how to dig out. Many of us are afraid to make a change. In our show, Jennie will be talking about change, what does it mean? What practices can we learn to be effective?  What are some of the provocative questions we can be asking ourselves?

Why does she call love, the most universal spiritual practice?  I have lots of questions about Change, and perhaps you do as well. This will be the perfect show for all of us!

Tune in to hear Jennie Lee’s Story, it may just be a game-changer for you!

What’s Your  Story?Conversations + Connections = Community