I live less than 5 miles from the Pacific Ocean, yet I rarely take advantage of the majestry of breaking waves, soaring birds, and leaving my footprints in the sand. I decided to change the trend…

Born To Talk Radio Show |
My Year In Review, Part 4
Here is the final installment of My Year in Review. Meet the remarkable Claire Austin. What makes her so special is how she combines her love of books along with the research of making books available…
My Year In Review, Part 3
I am continuing to take a look back at this most amazing year as a weekly novice internet radio show host on latalklive.com The variety of my guests, were so interesting. Including, the basketball players from…
My Year In Review, Part 2
I’m continuing to smile and revel in the experiences over these past 8 months. I’ve made wonderful friends doing exceptional things as they follow the passions in their lives. This time I’ve included the links to…
My Year In Review, Part 1
Who knew back on April 13, 2015, on my very first Born To Talk Radio Show, that I would be writing today on December 6, 2015 with 35 shows worth of experiences to talk about? I’ve…
If These Birds Could Talk
I often wonder what goes on in the mind of my feathered friends. How do they know where I live? How do they know when it’s time to eat each day? How well do they see…
The Itsy Bitsy Spider and More
I’m just minding my own business, well not exactly; I was having a conversation sitting outside with a friend at the Y. Suddenly I noticed hanging above his head a spider on a “thread” making a…
Forever Grateful for My Dad
This blog is unlike anything I have written in the past. I was going through my attic to see if I could find some Military memories from my dad in honor of Veteran’s Day tomorrow. What…
Found a Peanut
Do you remember that old classic song, Found a Peanut? It’s the perfect theme song for the “wild animals” that visit my back yard on a daily basis. Found a peanut, found a peanut, found a…
Listen…Do You Wanna Know A Secret?
Sometimes the birds just seem to tell a story by their actions. I know these crows are doing just that. It was fun to watch the one on the right follow his friend on the power…