Peter Bedard

Thank You, Peter Bedard!

There is a  “Chinese Proverb: One Picture Is Worth Ten Thousand Words.”  This picture of Peter Bedard. is a perfect example. His hand over his heart space is not by accident.  Peter had a life-changing experience when he was 17. He tells us about his “near-death” experience and how that translated into the man he is today.

Peter is the author of Convergence Healing and the creator of Convergence Healing Teas.

Convergence Healing.  Healing Pain with Energetic Love.

Peter shares his insight into pain. He starts by telling us about the wisdom pain has to share, and allowing this wisdom to unlock those parts of ourselves that have been shut down, hidden, or otherwise marginalized. This allows the healing process to begin.  Have you ever imagined “befriending your pain?”   Give it a name, it might be a person, it could be an object.  It’s a start.

Now think about the questions Peter asks his clients about Pain by asking these questions:  “Okay pain…What do you need to heal on a mental level?”  What do you need to heal on a physical level?” And finally, “What do you need to heal on a spiritual level?”  Be prepared for a few surprises along the way.

Peter’s book has a 10-step process to heal chronic pain without prescription medicine. He’s a wonderful storyteller. Not only will you meet many people that have/had pain, but also, practical exercises that might be relatable to you or someone you love.

Convergence Healing Teas.  Healing Blends.

Peter’s Mission:  “Our goal is to help you connect with the healing goodness Mother Nature provides us! We bring her natural healing to you through our handcrafted and lovingly prepared blends of YUMMY goodness.” How does this sound?  Anxiety Reducer, Breathe Better, Sleep Better just to name a few.

What’s Next?

Currently, Peter has 3 books in the works.  One of them is Billy and the Anxiety Monster.  He is offering an excerpt from Cultivating Joy, do out soon, for free on his website email list.

Peter’s advice:  “Love your pain and learn from it, so you can heal.”

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