Sophia Demas

Sophia Demas will be my guest on the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast on Monday, November 27th, from 1-2 PT.

Sophia Demas is the author of two books, The Divine Language of Coincidence & her latest book, Consciousness Beyond Death:  True Stories of Signs, Messages, and Timing. Her stories compellingly demonstrate that receiving signs and messages from departed friends and family is perfectly natural if one is open to it.  Some of the signs she has received came after asking for them while others appeared unsolicited.  We will be talking about some of her After Death Communication experiences.


Sophia did not want to get married, have children, or write a book; the Universe, however, had other plans.  She has enjoyed three diverse careers. A decade in architecture that included working with notable 20th-century visionary Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller.  Running her own couture fashion business.  And working as a mental health therapist in private practice.

Sophia was just accepted for a part-time job that’s perfect for her with the Salvation Army. One of their programs is New Day which deals with trafficked women. They have a drop-in center in a dangerous neighborhood offering a place of respite for them. They also have a residence for ex-trafficked women where they can stay for up to two years so that they can save money and move on with their lives. She will be the in-house counselor.

Her Latest Book.

In Consciousness Beyond Death:  True Stories of Signs, Messages, and Timing she states whether the communication comes from a dream, an inner urging to act, or from an external source, the key is to recognize it and respond with gratitude.  Her book also provides scientific research on Universal Consciousness, though its existence is yet to be proven.  Although scientists are studying after death communications know as ADCs. Sophia challenges the reader to come to their own conclusions.


In Closing.

Writing a book was never on Sophia’s radar, but once she realized the truth about her miracles, she knew she had to tell the world.

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